Thursday, 7 August 2008

bags and men

This is my new shopping bag knitted in very cheap Lidl cotton (doubled) and using some of my lovely vintage buttons. The bag was very easy-4 rectangles but the zips on both bags, the seams, buttons etc took much longer than actually knitting it. It does work well-it stretches out well and carries loads.

Now Men.

We had a wonderful cultural clash on Monday at aqua aerobics. The regular teacher was away and we had a tall loud male-the type used to adoring women. He failed to understand 3 things when teaching middle age women

1. We do not do 'whoo'.

2. We consider instructions to be more of a suggestion than something we have to do. In fact one of our regulars always ends up sitting on a woggle 'cycling' up and down the pool. She will do this no matter what-crashing into people moving backwards or getting ineveryones way when we do 'abs'exercises. Our instructor found this somewhat incomprehensible.

3. Popping into the pool to chat to your friend who is sort of doing the class is normal.

The husband.

If I ate like my husband I would look at doors in a very different way as I would probably not fit through most of them.

Last night he seemed surprised to find his stomach sticking out a bit. Apparently he had not eaten anything out of the norm.

So we unpicked his day's eating. Every contract my husband gets he finds a sweet thing to eat with his lunch time cup of tea. He then sticks to the chosen sugar fest the entire time he is at that contract. Sometimes it is small cereal bars-sometimes 2 crunchie bars a day. At the moment it is a daily Bounty Bar-he is maintaining himself on one a day. He also had 2 'small' Krispy Kreme doughnuts-if they are small I would hate to see his definition of a large doughnut.
He also had fried fish cakes and fried veges(?) for lunch. What makes this all intolerable is that if he manages to give up the daily chocolate bar and nothing else at all, the weight falls off.
OK I admit to jealousy.

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