Sunday, 22 June 2008

shopping and my lovely readers

This is so cool-I have readers in the USA and Israel (that's the daughter), thank you for reading-you are members of a small but growing band of tasteful people.
Anyway, shopping-me and the husband just do not do shopping. Clothes shopping is simply depressing most of the clothes I see, if they fit would look simply hideous and why oh why do manufacturers think women of my size want to wear polyester-manutacturers women who have a body bigger than a size 10 need fabric that breathes.
I have found a catalogue/on line retailer who does well fitting cotton clothes that are long and wide enough -last week I checked how much I have bought from them-it is embarrassing. I hope they do not see me as some sort of mad retail stalker.
Anyway today we had to buy various household things including tiles. The husband is amazing he looks completely miserable if he ever has to spend more than £50. The poor chap trying to sell him tiles ended up feeling sorry for him as he painfully hands over his credit card. He can even make Hannah feel guilty something I cannot do.
We are now shopped out and he is lying on the bed recovering. This pain of shopping somehow dissipates in DIY stores and for some bizarre reason stationary shops weird but true. He actually gets all quivery at Staples.
My reaction to a good charity shop is to embrassing to be anything else but private

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