Tuesday, 3 June 2008


The daughter could be making Aliyah (moving to Israel) in 8 days. I am in complete denial-I will be back to living with my cave dwelling husband and son. I am now on the waiting list for revellry which I hope will help. Hannah did child from hell from 12 to 16 inclusively and I now look back and laugh-it is amazing how time changes your perspective.
example-seeing my 14 year old storming down the road going to school in her huge clumpy shoes and long black coat looking like a skinny adolescent Darth Vader.
-tragic at the time as she was well into achieving most challenging pupil status at her incredibly hard to get into grammer school
Both my kids are incredibly stubborn and independant and very principled in their own way. I am grateful and proud as I do not think I would have coped with wimps. Hannah and the IDF will be interesting to watch.
This means I do get my knitting room back so not all bad!

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