Monday, 26 May 2008

How on earth did I mange to get this writing in Hindi

my title was changing into Hindi-I found some thingamijig that I have now turned off. The Mexicans have gone three of them smartly dressed in black plastic bags as they do not own raincoats-apparently it rains for two weeks a year in Mexico. They seem to think it will not rain in Europe for the 6 weeks they are there-makes me wonder about the quality of geography teaching in Mexico. All in all it was fun having them-I feel the need to tell the dishwasher how much I appreciate all it's hard work.
As usual it is the differences of daily life I found interesting i.e
One of them went to a Conservative Jewish school where he was taught Yiddish-unimaginable here.
They talked about the air pollution in Mexico City there schools had a flag system-greem ok to run about outside, orange walk out side. red sit outside only and black stay indoors and P.E lessons became Backgammon.
They all grew up with maids and lacked basic skills like coffee making. They made sincere but incompetent efforts to tidy up after themselves. One of them said their maid converted to Judaism. They all describe the maids becoming part of the family-I can't really see that but obviously a different world. One of them said they paid for their maid to attend school one day a week.
The daughter is slumped in the love of my life is gone misery on her bed with Family Guy DVDs. She does seem to have a remarkably mature attitude about it all-Ruthie (her best friend) is due this afternoon to watch movies with her on the couch with therapeutic dosages of Ben and Jerry's.
Confession Time
Knitting Neurosis Part one (of way too many)
I am incapable of having a number of projects on the go and doing what ever I fancy. I mean how
hard is that!
I am working this system of finishing a project then doing one sock, adding a colour to my left over sock wool scarf mitten thing (a photo on completion is promised) doing the next sock adding another colour to the scarf and then doing the next project. On completion the scarf will be replaed by working on log cabin cushion covers.I am also doing all corrections before beginning anything new. Hence my knitting stretches before me life some sort of sentence-if anyone i like this please let me know-I need not to feel alone.

1 comment:

Probably Jane said...

You know I have the attention span of a goldfish so I've lost count of the number of works in progress that lurk in corners of my house. If it wasn't for long bus journeys and trips away when I only take a limited amount of small projects (then squeeze a couple more in for luck)I'd never finish anything at all - I think your way is much more productive!