Friday, 30 May 2008

The make up bag is no more

Hannah who often has a brief and fleeting relationship with her possessions has lost the make up bag. A replacement will not be made! I hope whoever found it on the streets of Camden appreciate the work.

I have along term ear ring fantasy-one day I find spread out on a table every ear ring I have ever lost reunited with their partners-it is a beautiful moment. Sort of like the film at the Mormon Temple Information Centre where the dead are reunited with their families. Pesonally I would prefer to be reunited with my ear rings than most of my dead relations. Anyway I now have the fantasy being reunited with the knitting I have done for Hannah that has been lost.

I have just realised the Mormon thing probably needs some explanation. I grew up in Hamilton NZ where the Mormon Temple for the Pacific can be found. Trust me there was buggar all else to do as a stoned teenager and the electronics were suitably impressive.

At this difficult time may I present some of my teapots. My genuine Brown Bettys and 2 Alfred Meakins

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Max is snoring

Max is asleep as per usual and all seems well in the world. I have once again changed work patterns. I was doing part time South London Child Protection social work. This was followed by an extended period of unemployed recovery during which I realised how many repeats there are on Radio 4. I am now working 10 hours a week as a home based P.A doing anything from cleaning to research. I also hope to be doing one on one work in a strictly Orthodox primary for 10 hours a week.-mental note to buy long sleeved tee shirts. This means my work is often physical and I feel much better for it. I also do 3 Aqua aerobics classes as well-very noble. So how does this connect with knitting? It all seems to flow so much easier when I feel well and not stressed and the decrease in income means I will actually use my stash!

Forgiving men in fast cars.
I alway thought fast techno whiz bang cars were a dick extender for the sexually inadequate. I now have my 2nd pair of Addi double pointed needles to magic loop socks with and I am besotted-it is totally different to the other ones I had. I now formally apologise for decades of sarcastic words and thoughts-I now appreciate precision engineering.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

How I envy the cat

This is Max. He is about 15 years old; it is hard to be exact with a rescue cat. Max has cataracts, kidney problems and very stiff joints. He thumps down the stairs like an extra in 1950's horror movie
We also suspect that if cats canbe senile he is. He will cry for food and we have to shake his bowl to remind him about eating when hungry. Yet he is incredibly content, amazingly affectionate and adored by us all. Interestingly his sister Izzie who is from the same litter and completely neurotic is absolutely healthy. The only person she has time for is the anti social teenage son.

Monday, 26 May 2008

How on earth did I mange to get this writing in Hindi

my title was changing into Hindi-I found some thingamijig that I have now turned off. The Mexicans have gone three of them smartly dressed in black plastic bags as they do not own raincoats-apparently it rains for two weeks a year in Mexico. They seem to think it will not rain in Europe for the 6 weeks they are there-makes me wonder about the quality of geography teaching in Mexico. All in all it was fun having them-I feel the need to tell the dishwasher how much I appreciate all it's hard work.
As usual it is the differences of daily life I found interesting i.e
One of them went to a Conservative Jewish school where he was taught Yiddish-unimaginable here.
They talked about the air pollution in Mexico City there schools had a flag system-greem ok to run about outside, orange walk out side. red sit outside only and black stay indoors and P.E lessons became Backgammon.
They all grew up with maids and lacked basic skills like coffee making. They made sincere but incompetent efforts to tidy up after themselves. One of them said their maid converted to Judaism. They all describe the maids becoming part of the family-I can't really see that but obviously a different world. One of them said they paid for their maid to attend school one day a week.
The daughter is slumped in the love of my life is gone misery on her bed with Family Guy DVDs. She does seem to have a remarkably mature attitude about it all-Ruthie (her best friend) is due this afternoon to watch movies with her on the couch with therapeutic dosages of Ben and Jerry's.
Confession Time
Knitting Neurosis Part one (of way too many)
I am incapable of having a number of projects on the go and doing what ever I fancy. I mean how
hard is that!
I am working this system of finishing a project then doing one sock, adding a colour to my left over sock wool scarf mitten thing (a photo on completion is promised) doing the next sock adding another colour to the scarf and then doing the next project. On completion the scarf will be replaed by working on log cabin cushion covers.I am also doing all corrections before beginning anything new. Hence my knitting stretches before me life some sort of sentence-if anyone i like this please let me know-I need not to feel alone.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Other cool photos or I will do this without disturbing the husband

How do you rotate pictures? This is the husband looking especially calm and happy in Israel-I very occasionally irritate him
I love china and my daughter has inherited this obsession. She took this soon after coming back from Israel. I have a major teapot collection-latest aquisition is a Alfred Meakin 60's teapot and matching milk jug for 99p from the local Age Concern shop.

Ok. These are Hannah's Mexican Jewish friends she met in Israel collapsed on her bed. The poor babies thought they would get through Heathrow in 30 minutes. They are currently running around London doing touristy things we Londoners never seem to get around to. Be honest when is the last time you went to the British Museum or saw the Changing of the Guard. Having people to stay makes me realise how much I fundamentally love my environmentally incorrect dishwasher

Look I can upload photos!

Why oh why have I avoided doing this-the world is full of people who can put photos online-if junior South London criminals can why can't I? I will now photograph the make up bag I knitted for the daughter (and lined, stitching it by hand) and put it on this blog-more in 5 minutes or so...
Ok so it took a little longer than 5 minutes and I had to get the husband to help but no one else in this family seems capable of wiping down a sink so we all have different skills.
This was fun to do, it is not so clear but it does say slap.