1. It was only £50 quid and my friend got £250 for referring me to the Social Work agency I got my job through and he gave me half.
2. Anne wants to borrow them so there not just for me
3. Lots of the West Wing is people walking quickly down corridors talking a lot so you get the story if your not really watching-i.e knitting. Therefore owning the WW is good for my creativity.
4. The extras DVD is really good and includes a Documentary about the real WW that features amongst others, Carter, Clinton, Ford and Kissinger-how cool is that?
5.The husband is away from home 2 nights a week and the WW is a comfort (and to be honest Clive hates it).
6. Social worker need an escape and it is better than chocolate or alcohol
Magnificent Obsession
I'm not sure what is going on in my knitting world at the moment as all I
seem to want to knit in my non work knitting time is socks. You are very
likely ...
9 years ago