Friday, 10 October 2008

The stash for sale

My local Help the Aged charity shop had some interesting looking yarn in the window. Inside the shop was even more yarn;half knitted projects even some still on needles, faded yarn, an old pattern and loads of odd balls. Yep someone had died/gone into a home and this was the stash being sold off. It was incredibly sad SABLE (stash accumulation beyond life expectancy) suddenly did not seem such a good idea.
All of this and Rosh Hashannah/Yom Kippur got me thinking. What do I value in the long run.
Knitting especially for my daughter and husband (my son is not all that keen on my efforts).
Friends Although I loved my mega watch of The West Wing-now all watched it was the the meals we shared over Yom Tov I really enjoyed. Especially cool was the meal with me Clive and a table of women. Clive coped but seems to now view the life of Utah polygamists with sympathy rather than envy.
Cultural stuff I am a lazy arse but when I get to Art galleries, BBC audience events etc I really really enjoy it.
So for the new year-knit, socialise and get out more often.
The thing is all of this can be so cheap-I have a range of super cheap recipies, lots of events are free and I do have a stash to use prior to my death.

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