Saturday 11 October 2008

What did we do Saturday night?

After Shabbat went out did we:
1. Go out for dinner
2. Go to the theatre-something new and interesting.
3. Go rent a DVD, buy some lovely cheese and nice salads and settle down on the couch.
4. Or did the husband whilst muttering to himself about 'assignment', 'exam' and 'finances' practically dive into his office.In the meantime did I face the fact that it was very nice of me to offer to cook for friends for Yom Tov on Tuesday night, but that the reality is that Motzei Shabbat was the only conceivable time I could actually find time to once again chop onions and crush garlic.
Why did God in his wisdom squash all these Jewish holidays into such a short space of time?
When will the husband give up his non meat eating? If he can eat a fish I really don't see why we can't bung a chicken in the oven occaionally.
Next life I shall be a lesbian Buddist nun with an especially nice begging bowl.

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