Monday, 25 July 2011

New computer blues

My aged computer finally lost it-it needed a signal booster, camera and headphones for Skype (vital if your child lives overseas) . This is fine until the USB ports in the computer dies.
I now have my husbands notebook mini computer. It works. It does not take 20 minutes to start. But, of course, there are teething problems. Namely with photos. I will get there but in the meantime this blog will not have as many photos as I planned.
We live in a London Terrace house. We have a small back yard-no lawn but 2 big garden beds. Nonetheless we have some lovely plants. For me it is about food-so I take great delight in the plums, figs, grapes, and herbs.
I have also managed tomatoes, beans and mange tout in pots. But my great delight is a small daisy plant. We broke a piece of our daisy off moving the pot and I put the broken piece in soil in another small pot. Nothing happened for weeks. Nothing. It would seem the plant had to build roots first. Suddenly this small plant is blooming with endless flowers. It is a symbol of optimism. A friend is recovering from surgery to remove a brain tumour. I am going to give her this plant this week.
Hopefully photos next time.

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