Sunday 27 February 2011

I try

The indestructible daisy plant has it's first daisy.
The plum tree has buds
The glass balls from Akko glisten in the sun in the morning.
I just posted this blog on the web site for students of my City and Guilds Knitting Course instead of here. I really stun myself with my stupidity at times. So if Friends can be repeated and repeated and repeated I can re blog here.
People Spring has sprung!
How does the 51 year old Jewish mother celebrate this.
1. This morning on my breakfast tray could be found my lovely pink teapot Jane bought me even though it is usually saved for Shabbat. On the tray could also be found my latest charity shop find a pink milk jug.
2. Windows (note the plural) are open
3. I jogged on the spot for 30 minutes with the Wii-my glasses steamed up and I felt totally athletic-I have low standards
4. I dusted down these pieces of plastic and metal remembered they are called clothes pegs and actually hung washing on the line for the first time since last September
5. I have naked sock free feet

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