Sunday, 6 February 2011

I am still a mother

It would be completely fair to say that if my son rang 2 days in a row I would know that something was seriously wrong. If my daughter did not ring 2 days in a row I would know something was seriously wrong.
Well I am still mobile phone less. I do reccomend a mobile holiday, it really has unforeseen advantages. I find myself with more time and the space to simply do what I am doing.
Like visiting the wonderfully weird Wicken Fen National Trust Nature Reserve in Cambridgeshire. A strange and haunting wet flat windy landscape loved by Darwin and the home to plant and animal species found nowhere else in this overcrowded land of ours. The husband had been before when I was away and had loved it. I really wanted to go inspired by a wonderful series of plays on Radio 4. As I wrote that I felt hideously middle aged and middle class but any way ....
We had a wonderful peaceful walk, driving home all was well in the world. Clive's phone rang, it was our daughter in Israel worried that we were not answering the phone and that something terrible might have happened to us.
As I say I may base my recreational choices on Radio 4 and feel choosing the teapot to use at breakfast is an important decision but I am still needed to mother across the seas on a daily basis.

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