Up to 24 men in our lounge doing their morning prayers with their white prayer shawls and tefillin-a haunting beautiful sight.
One of my dear friends going up to Clive and shoving homepathic remedy down his throat while he sat on the traditional low chair.
His friend coming down for the day from Leeds to pay her respects.
Cakes, cakes, cakes and biscuits-I have turned into some sort of mother Channukah handing out cakes to all and sundry.
Realising how lovely it is having so many visitors.
Simply stopping for a week.
Having people bring food all week and not having to cook-I tried to convince a friend she would grow as a human being if she would take on cooking for us on a weekly basis-she would have none of it.
My husband deciding to take on saying Kaddish for his Mum 3 times a day-shis means being at shul with at least 9 other men.
One morning when we had 9 men getting the neighbours teenage son to come to make up the minyan (group of ten men) this meant 9 men in suits and one half awake teenager in a dodgy yellow tee shirt.
Doing serious amounts of knitting
Getting back to normal-tele!
Magnificent Obsession
I'm not sure what is going on in my knitting world at the moment as all I
seem to want to knit in my non work knitting time is socks. You are very
likely ...
9 years ago