When you have a commission to finish you need to be aware of knitting avoidance behaviours, not all which are bad.
Good avoidance
Exercise-lets face it knitting is not good for the posture
Cooking dinner but not random baking
Balancing the bank accounts-yes I am one of those people who not only can spell account reconciliation but does it every month.
Laundry especially delicate washes hung up on a rack and not put in the dryer
Office work for the husband which I am paid to do.
Bad avoidance
Coffee coffee coffee
Randon phone calls
Anything else I can play with on the phone like weather obsessions
Magnificent Obsession
I'm not sure what is going on in my knitting world at the moment as all I
seem to want to knit in my non work knitting time is socks. You are very
likely ...
9 years ago