Tuesday, 19 May 2009


I am back home-the husband and son obviously see touching a broom or a cleaning cloth as some sort of swine flu risk factor and therefore the house was a complete dust bowl on my return.
But somehow it is all ok and life flows smoothly-it is amazing how powerful time out can be.
I have resolutions-I will work much harder on my knitting design course-there is always calls to make and stuff to organise and I need to make time for this.
I am also really excited about my next project for moi moi. I have now lost 19 and half pounds and I am starting to swim in some of my clothes-I look forward to making a fitted jumper with waist shaping-I realise more and more how much nicer fitted clothes look

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Good for you - the weight loss! My daughter and I have been going to Weight Watchers and I've lost ten - she's lost more! She's young and nursing her baby! Mine is slow going, but satisfying! xo Pom Pom