Sunday, 30 January 2011

I have no mobile phone and my computer switches off

My mobile is away being repaired. This has resulted in this amazing feeling of achievement. Somehow without any effort I have got a lot more done. I really feel that structured screen time is a powerful tool towards a fulfilling life. I check my emails daily, Ravelry and my knitting design course weekly. I do a Sunday internet roam and apart from that the computer is generally off. If I need to do anything else I do so and then turn it off again. As a result we eat well, I am keeping to my exercise programme, my knitting design course and business progress well and I am up to the arm pit in the horror that is the men's grey v neck 4ply jumper.
Never ever underestimate the power of the off button.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

4 ply grey knitting

9 rows per inch.
It is knitted in the round
15 1/2 inches to the arm.
8 1/2 inches done
So if I can do 9 rows per day I will be at the arm hole by next weekend.
This will mean significant progress.
I can do this
I will not start anything else until I have completed this.
If he does not wear it with monotonous regularity I will be very cross.

Monday, 17 January 2011

What is love and the joys of a rearrange.

Above is my current knitting-a 4 ply V neck jumper for the husband. Knitting this my dear readers is an act of love. Especially when...
This cushion cover is what I was knitting. I used cones of wool I got for a pound and sock yarn. This was great fun and the joy of this log cabin knitting is the fact that you pick up stitches rather than sewing pieces together. Note the colour no grey
Also I wanted to write about the complete and utter joy of a rearrange. I had half my clothes in my daughter's old room and half in our bedroom. Everything is now in Hannah's old room. Trust me as a really bad morning person this makes my life seriously easier. I also re-arrranged furniture a little. Small changes that make the room so much easier to work in. Trust me on this one rearrange a room and life your life. Even better pay me to help you do it.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Knitting 2010

18 pairs of socks of which 8 pairs were grey army socks for Hannah
1 bathmat made on giant needles
3 blankets
2 sleeveless vests
1 sideways cardigan
2 yoga mat covers
2 cushion covers
8 hats
2 scarves
2 dish cloths
2 octopi
That is 43 items of which 22 were gifts
Not so bad

Making my daughter's old room mine

How do you make your child's old room your own? This is my guide. These are all things that I treasure that cost next to nothing. This circular needle holder was made in a spinning workshop one year on Skipnorth. I didn't do the workshop but scored this. It reminds me of fabulous times
One of my 4 beloved digital radios all tuned to Radio 4. The Archers, Women's Hour The Plays Comedy such bliss. Knitting and Radio 4 is the perfect combination.
Knitting needles in a Portmerion container what could be more perfect.
This notice board is all really positive things I have been given including the poem Clive wrote for me when we had been married 20 years. How gorgeous is that?
Anne's Mum in America found a Moses rubber ducky and sent it to me. I found this an amazingly kind thing to do
These have no value but they no longer sell thread on wooden reels and I love them. Especially the big ones of linen thread.
The Aaron Margolis tea pot of charity-all my 1, 2 and 5p pieces go in this and Aaron gets to empty it when he comes home from Uni
Post at least 3 viewings of all 7 series of the West Wing I find American politics fascinating. This is my American President Tea towel. I also have a White House Mug-how cool is that.