Saturday, 11 December 2010

Winter wonderland and IT frustration

I make a habit of going into the West End every December to see the Christmas decorations. I figure that even though it is not my festival I might as well enjoy the transformation of the West end. After all the windows and decorations must cost a fortune and it is free to enjoy. Anyway I always end my Winterwonderland Tour at Trafalgar Square. Every year the people of Norway donate a Christmas tree in honour of the role the British military played in WW2. I think this is quite lovely and when I got there Lubavitch of Hendon had a Channukah Menorah in the Square-how cool.
Summary of decorations
Harrods- Wonderful I still can't work out how to place my pictures in the middle of the text but it is above. All based on Peter Pan
Fortnum and Mason-Sort of 3 d famous painting reproductions -may as well buy a tacky chocolate box and be domne with it.
Liberties-Big black and red thing with flowers too sylish and somewhat boring
Selfridges-Bit tacky-Katie Price as Christmas decorations
The street lights were great
This not being able to place my photos in the middle of my blog is not my only challenge, I tried to upload photos from my new phone and could not do it? Anyone know how to get photos from an HTC Smart to a computer-all hints gratefully accepted

Monday, 6 December 2010


I spent 10 days at Kibbutz Degana Aleph on the outskirts of Tiberius where my daughter now lives. (She is now based at the Army Base in Tiberius.) Tiberius is 200 m below sea level and is extremely hot. Yesterday to the relief of everyone it finally rained. There is a green hue for about 3 metres from the shoreline of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). This is the area that was under water last year. Water conservation is a real issue in Israel. As a knitter it was amazing the bright light somewhat softened by the shorter days and the dryness of the environment .
The above photos were taken in and around the kibbutz and to me say knitting design.

It was an amazing trip Hannah was in a car at 5.30am to get to work on time from Baram and it is now a 15 minute bus ride. She is living in a old apartment building where all the tenants are young people. They all eat salad for breakfast and seem to have more of a lust for life than is the norm in England.